Everything we have done, led to this..

Article by Gamer_in_Chief

We are back CREEPS and PUMPED!! It always starts with an idea–usually hour long phone conversations. The PowerCreeps were born in 2010 when Spookypants (now 16bitSocrates) and I decided we wanted to do a Magic:  The Gathering podcast to support our now defunct Magic card store
TheMetagame.  At that time we had no idea how to podcast or even if we would be good at it. Our early success felt great and 16Bit and I really found our groove with our laid back and synergistic style.  After about 12 episodes, unfortunately the MetaGame store closed, and our love of Magic faded.

Now what..
Fast forward to 2015. 16Bit & I created a few Hearthstone live (video) casts. The magic (not Magic) was still there! With our passion for all things gaming never going away, now is the time for both of us to begin a new journey with the PowerCreeps brand.

Our style, opinions matter.
It’s all going to start with our Hearthstone show, this time in audio form only (for now) called Drawing Dead. We are also going to use another medium–writing; to spew our gaming points of view on the masses. BEWARE!! We are NOT professional writers. (you couldn’t tell could you..). This isn’t going to stop us. We have lots to say and we have always been well received on our target niches.  Look for our updated Hearthstone show in the next week or so, and then ever/other week [or sooner] there after. Creeps, that is not all. We want to bombard you with articles as much as we can muster.

A little different.
We are approaching this venture different then most. Our views and opinions will always be HONEST and not biased. We don’t care about ad revenue or making anyone in the industry happy. Our content will not contain bad language. Why? We feel being entertaining without being vulgar is the most intelligent humor. We also won’t take ourselves too seriously. (most of the time).

Even more different..
As if our style wasn’t enough to blow you away, we will also be doing META content. This means we will post not only about gaming, we will give anyone who cares a glimpse into the world of broadcasting online, blogging etc. Our policy will be full transparency. Our number one mantra is going to be FEEDBACK!!! This journey will require you creeps to help us along the way. We will always be begging for feedback. Not just happy five star smiley town. Actual raw honest feedback.  We will listen to everyone and adjust accordingly. After all, without you Creeps, we are just another gaming blog.

Finally, we have some huge things in the works which I will not mention at this time. Look for more of what is coming in the future with our META posts. We are very excited to start this wild ride and it’s time to get on board CREEPS!

Look for a more specific road map of what content is coming, in the next few days.


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