PowerCreeps Respond to Hearthstone ‘Standard’ News

Below is just a quick Q&A with the Powercreeps on the bombshell news that was dropped today regarding the new Standard format.  Look for more in depth articles and roundtable discussions on the podcast concerning the topic matter in the future.

What is your general opinion on the new format?

“I think this is great, it shakes up the meta by not only adding new cards but also by subtraction of them.  I think the MTG formula will work for Heathstone nicely and I am super excited for the future of HS”  – 16bitSocrates

“Clearly it’s the right call. I am excited blizzard is serious about the future of Hearthstone. Competitive players, new and casual players all benefit from a standard format. Forcing yearly updates will fix the most stale metas. ” -Gamer

What are we gonna lose in Naxx and GvG?

“We are just about gonna lose something from every major deck currently on the ladder, aggro is gonna hurt with the loss of haunted creeper and nerubian egg.  Control will suffer without deathlords and sludge belchers….honestly there is so much leaving that it’s something I’m looking forward to touching on later.  Good-bye Dr.7 and Piloted Shredder!!” – 16bitSocrates

What do you think about soulbound and classic cards being reworked?

“I think it’s much needed.  These are the core cards and if they are unbalanced (Savage Roar + Force of Nature) they limit class deck options and all future content for the class.  There are alot of cards that need to be nerfed and buffed and this can also be great for shaking up the meta” – 16bitSocrates

“My biggest concern about standard is the fact the soul bound and classic cards will remain. Seeing that Blizzard is going to adjust some of these cards helps ease my fears. A lot will depend on which cards get changed and how.”  -Gamer

18 new deck slots – is it enough?

“Short answer: yes.” – 16bitSocrates

“Yes. Removing my 18th deck to make room is simply not an issue for me. Having 18 different decks at the same time is more then enough.” -Gamer

Wild format vs. Standard, which will you play?

“I will solely be playing the new Standard format.  I don’t think I’ll dust any of my GvG stuff just in case the Standard meta is stale, that way i can just ladder on the Wild ladder.  But I’d like to focus on Standard, I’m gonna love the turbulence of this faster shifting meta.” – 16bitSocrates

“This simple for me. I will playing standard. Being able to dust a ton of old cards will help me create all the cards I want or need in standard. This and the fact the pro scene will reflect standard are all the reasons I need. Beyond that–the meta game will be more fluid and interesting.” -Gamer

We will have much more to say as more news breaks! It’s an exciting time for Hearthstone and we are glad to be a part of it! Until next time Creeps.

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