Speculation on Incoming Card Nerfs: 4 Card Examples

Creeps, are you ready for Standard? As stated multiple times, the Hearthstone Devs may be nerfing some of the Basic and/or Classic cards as part of the transition to Standard. Initial reports stated anywhere from 2-20 cards getting changed. As more information was released, it appears the team wants to keep any card changes to a minimum. In this article, I will take a look at 4 cards and nerf them as I see fit. This is all purely speculation, and based on my opinion.

Lets get into it:

Savage Roar – It’s no doubt that the Druid ‘COMBO’ (Force of Nature + Savage Roar) will get changed. This combo is simply to potent and polarizing for inclusion into Standard. Here is my fix:

q0fE31zTForcing this to boost only Beasts removes mostly any surprise burst. The Druid will have to rely on the [beast] minions that are on the board and allows counter play by fighting over board control. To continue this counter play theme, I also removed the self-attack bonus.

Knife Juggler – This little jerk has ruined many games for me. Not only playing against it, but also via my ‘juggles’ not hitting the right target. Here is my version:

KQWjNzXaIn reality, this is pretty hefty nerf to Knife Juggler. Especially in Wild. With this wording, Knife Juggler will no longer activate with Haunted Creeper, Muster for Battle etc. This forces aggro players to me much more creative in damage dealing and allows Team 5 to create future cards that flood the board with minions.

Big Game Hunter – Probably my most controversial change. While BGH is not necessarily over powered, it seems to be limiting the ability to play large minions. My version:

uyZGFT1PThis version – a fairly strong nerf– forces you to have other solutions for large minions. While still a strong effect (especially if you have a 3 power minion on the board) this makes sure that one low cost neutral card can’t deal with anything over 6 power by itself. Finally, BGH can’t simply just wipe a Divine Shielded minion in one swipe, making him feel not as overpowered.

Rockbiter Weapon – Rockbiter is not overly powerful by itself. The fact you can combo it with Doomhammer or any other weapon makes it too strong in my opinion in a new standard meta. Doomhammer is such a great card by itself, nerfing doesn’t seem to make sense. My take on a new Rockbiter:


Forcing the ability to use only creatures is limiting, but still an effective clear for the Shamans early game. Giving an additional bonus to totems, helps offset the downside and gives a little bonus to Shamans weak hero power.

There you have it Creeps! A little helping of my vision of the incoming card nerfs. What are your thoughts? What other cards do you feel should see some downsizing? Until next time Creeps!





4 thoughts on “Speculation on Incoming Card Nerfs: 4 Card Examples

    1. I think innervate is too important to the Druid class. It’s sort of its thing–cheating out larger minions early. While it can feel OP at times, it’s not critically unbalanced in my opinion. Same with Divine Favor. At times the card is an auto win. I’ve draw 7 cards. The other times it does nothing or maybe 1 card. I think it’s own design keeps it balanced. Thanks for the comment!


  1. Just found your blog, and nice to see someone else posting about Hearthstone! I like these ideas for nerfs. I know Knife Juggler will be nerfed in Standard just due to rotation of Implosion, muster etc. Druid’s combo will also need a nerf, and the beast change seems like it could lift up a new archetype. Excited for the new expansion.


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